Welcome to Ibrahim Niazy's Project Web Page


My Resume (CV): (word document)

This site is intended solely for the purpose of sharing my technical experience with the world. There are no copyrights; however, you may not use any of these documentations as being your own, because this is fraudulent and unethical, and it's called CHEATING! You may only use it as a reference or for educational purposes. I believe people who've searched hard enough to reach this site would have enough ethical discipline to keep them from cheating.

See my Outlook Web Access project documentation

See my Performance Monitor Automation project documentation

I have jointly designed, with my team, a liquid-level control system, involving an Intel 8051 Microcontroller, EPROM, EEPROM, 8051 assembly language, and Visual Basic access from the serial port, makes use of Winsock network programming, and handles transactions with Microsoft Access database files (DBM). Unfortunately, I coudn't bother converting it to HTML and pasting it on my site. So just know that I did it :)

I have also designed a wacky VLSI design of a 12-bit Arithmetic-Logic Unit, but also couldn't bother converting it to HTML etc.

The reason being, is that those were college projects, which I haven't revisited for a long time. I'm currently focusing my career on Networking and have earned a CCNP certificate from Cisco. I'm currently working as a network consultant for Al Faisaliah Group, and have designed, managed, and implemented many Network projects. You may find the details in my CV. If you want more information on all my projects, you know where to reach me.

Contact me: iniazy@gmail.com

Visit Eric Phelps scripting site

Visit King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) Website from where I got my BS